Monday, February 23, 2009

Who cares

Slumdog millionair won eight oscars. On IMDB, many Indian protested this movie. The reason is simple: the India depicted in this movie is not their India, or at least it is not the India they saw.

This reminded me of another movie: Hong Gao Liang (1987). This film also won an international award. I remembered that when this movie won award, many chinese people were disappointed, since this movie revealed the dark side of the chinese society. It seemed to be a shameful thing to let "foreign people" to see our scar. I was only about 9 years old at that time. I believed everything the adults told me.

Even nowadays, I still believed that westerners are fond of gazing at the scars of other society. I carefully avoided any conversation with them about the dark side of our chinese society. I felt embarrassed to discuss the human right with any westerners. I also have a mixed feeling about all the movies exposing the uncivilized moments in chinese history. I confess, I am a narrow minded person and prone to guard the reputation of our chinese society.

My point of view, however changed after I watched "the slumdog millionaire". First of all, I don't know if this movie deserves 8 oscars. I haven't seen other nominated movies. Therefore, I cannot decided which one is better than the other. I liked this movie, because it touches my soul.

When I was watching this movie (I watched it three times), there was not even one moment that my mind was focused on the poverty of the slums of India. There was not even one moment that I think that human rights in India was lacking. After I finished watching that movie, my impression about India is more improved.

I had chances to talk with many Indian. Based on my previous experiences, their general character is "Talk" rather than "Do". But after watched this movie, I believe they are all born with a beautiful character.
What we call "Slum" is called home by them. Their home is no different from our home, since it provides love and hope. What has been fostered in their home is however difference from ours. Maybe, we are more civilized and have more attachment. We wear designer cloth and we drove expensive cars.

But look what the civilization do to people: to secure their attachment, they are willing to electrify their own people, and they are willing to prison/blind their own people. Do those movie makers have a choice? If the three children in the movie were born in a rich society, they would never face choices between live and death, and they will be bleached "White" by the golden survival rules of the rich societies.

From this sense, I have no feeling of superior for living in a more civilized society. I even like India more than ever. This movie gives me confidence that we, human being, without nationality, are all born with a beautiful character.

Even I praise this movie that much, I don't think that I would prefer to live in a slum. I live with what I was given. I never felt that we can choose our destiny. Just like now, I don't like many things about a so called civilized society, but I still live in it. I just lost my tendency to guard the scars in our chinese society.

I suddenly realize what I called scars, might not be scars in other people's eyes. I call them scars is because I don't know how to accept beautys in a different form.

I have quited argument. In my recollection, no argument can change people's mind. People's minds change on their own.

Besides, who cares what other people think??????????????

Monday, February 16, 2009

Baby, let it go

Baby, let it go
I know it is painful.....
all those laughters are still surrounding our hearts....
you and me
all those happiness came from heaven...
no other places...
only heavenly happiness can be this pure.......

But, baby, please let it go....
I know it is unfair......
all those smiles are still infront of our eyes....
you and me
all those memories came from heaven....
no other places...
only heavenly memories can be this beautiful......

I know it is hard to let it go....
since you don't know how to let it go....
you never let go......
let anything go........
it painful to watch you climb on a train flying into the darkness....
it is painful to watch you change on that train.....
it is painful to watch you hanging onto it in the darkness

The train is too fast
I am too slow....
and I am tired..................

Baby, please let it go....
I only ask this is because...
the beautiful things should have eternity...

Let it go............
Give it eternity...before it die in the darkness..................

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Slum Dog Millionaire

SlumDog Millionaire

Two weeks ago a movie review caught my attention. It discussed a British movie: SlumDog Millionaire. The review said this movie depicted two brothers lived in an Indian slum. I immediately decided to watch this movie, since I am insanely missing a novel: Shantaram. Shantaram is written by an Australia novelist, who lived in Bombay for a short period of time. Shantaram tells the experiences of the novelist in Bombay. I love that novel very much. However, I left it in Australia, so I can have more incentives to return to Australia. I missed that novel like crazy, and I am miserable without that novel. I almost had the urge to purchase that book again from Amozon. So How can I miss a movie which also talks about Indian?

After I watched this movie, I felt myself turned into water. I run out tissues to wipe tears.

Living in the modern world means only one thing: You no longer see people, I mean "real people".

We are much polished. We only say right things, and do right things. Our actions have to be effective and politically correct. You need to be polite, thoughtful, and tactical. Your thinking is trained and "refined". You don't make choices anymore, and the right choices are always so obvious. For example, no fastfood, more friends, and more connections. Millions of tips are available on the internet to tell you when you should move forward and when you should give up.

In modern world, your only enemy is yourself, since you are the only person who stops you from doing the right things. We are no longer people. We are running robots, and scripts have been written to smarten us. We are still unique, since most of our scripts are not the same. Small variations though.

The slumdog millionaire is a movie about people. Actually, three of them. Two brothers and one girl. One brother, Jamal, is emotional and has a soft heart. Another, Salim, is cruel and determined.

The world is beatified by person like Jamal. He is a great provider, and he is dedicated to things he loved. He is gentle and friendly. He values nothing except every relationship in life.

The world is often changed by person like Salim. He is determined and brave enough to remove everything on his way. The things he valued are rather dynamic. His only desire is to stay alive which sustains this world, and also changes the destiny of other people.

The girl is what a girl out to be. She is the perfect blind of suppleness and toughness. She is so supple and she never fight for anything. If there is rain, she will be soaked with water. If there is fire, she will be burned. Her character resembles so much of water. She must also have been very tough, since there are many sad things happened to her, and none of them changed her a bit. She wants to stay with Jamal. Although she never fought for it, when opportunities to join Jamal come, she had the courage to walk through fire to get them.

...............The thing really made me cry is the beauty in their characters. Their hearts are beautiful, since they are pure. They are not polluted by the scripts of modern society. I secretly envy them. I knew if I were them, I may have made millions of compromises to find a short cut to escape.........

But after all these years being on the way to escape, I have found that there is no escaping in this world. You just escape from one misery to join another. The only way to walk away from a misery is to embrace it and walk toward the lights.

Maybe, one day, you will really join the world of happiness. Maybe, that is the moment that you can kiss goodbye to a million dollar check and say: Yes, I want to play.

Thursday, February 12, 2009












Tuesday, February 10, 2009








