Tuesday, June 30, 2009

A friend far away (3)


In my memory, Xia was a pretty girl. LD later corrected me on this. He even found a photo of her to prove his point of view. I guess she looked really pretty when she was with Fe. They say girls looked prettier when they were in love. But any girls would look prettier if they were with Fe who looked 10 years older than his age. I also think that Xia knows how pretty she looked when she was with Fe. She did baby talks all the time. I figured that only pretty girls do baby talks. They seemed to know that they can get whatever they want by simply doing baby talks.

Walking on the streets, Xia would suddenly say: “Ye, I am tired. I want you to carry me.” Ye really carried her whenever she asked. Ye even carried her to climb a 6 floor building. They looked insanely happy. When she saw a farmer selling strawberry, she would say: “Ye, I want some strawberry.” Ye would happily buy some strawberry for her. There was even once that Xia wanted to eat Bingtang hulu and Fe searched all most entire city to get some Bingtang hulu for her.

Like most of the girls who are in love, Xia played a game with Fe. The name of the game was: Are we truly in love? In this game, boys need to be fast in thinking. Girls will ask a question at almost all occasions: Do you love me. The tricky part of this game was not the answer itself. Boys had to reply with only one answer: Of course I do. The key of the game was the timing. If a boy answered the question too fast, it means that this answer did not come from his heart. But if this boy answered this question too slow, it means that he has hesitation in his love. The most tricky part was actually when the question was asked. For example, Xia once asked this question when Fe’s mouth was stuffed with food. LD and I laughed hilariously when we saw how awkward Fe was in attempt to answer this question in the right speed. Fe had forgotten we were there. His only concern was what Xia wanted. When he was not with her, his only concern was what kind of gifts would impress her.

Fe often had to buy gifts for Xia to compensate for his absence. He had business in City A and City B. Xia had to stay in City A to study and Ann had to tend his business in City B. Half of the time when they were dating, Fe was in City B. The first time when I found that Xia was unhappy was a year later. Fe called me and said that he was worried about Xia since Xia didn’t answer his calls. I went to her dorm to check on her. I found she was crying in her bed.

“What happened? Xia?” I asked in a surprised tone. Shouldn’t she be happy? Fe treasured her that much.

“Nothing happened.” She turned her back to me. I tried to get her to talk. But she kept quiet. To be honest, I never truly understood those who studied literature. Their mood was like the weather in June. One moment, there was sunshine all over the places. Another moment, it poured like a crying baby. I couldn’t figure out all these sentimental fools. I decided that Xia was just in one of those moments. Later, problems will resolve on its own. And most importantly, I had a problem of my own. LD went to a far far away place. In the end, I had to leave Xia’s dorm. That was the last time when I saw Xia.


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