Sunday, April 5, 2009

50 steps laugh 100 steps


It was inside a Vietnamese restaurant. The waiter looked like the decedent of Asian. It was unknown if he was Vietnamese. On the table, there was a Taiwan news paper. Above the table, it was a Japanese style light. The furniture had the Modern European style.

Around the table, four people were ready to order their food. Two men were American: white European descendants. They were getting ready to order anything relevant to Chicken "made in America". Two girls were from China. One was from the western part and another was from the eastern part of China. They were ready for some hot soup.

Of course, one girl was me. I wear a coat made in China. My pant was made in Philippine. My sweater was made in Taiwan. My necklace was made in Egypt. My lip gloss was made in Japan and my facial lotion was made in France. In my pocket, there was a cute key chain made in Australia. Besides me, there was some antique Chinese cloth.

All of sudden, the man right infront of me started to criticize the Pakistan society. He heard about a story that a Pakistan girl was spotted in the same room with an electrician (alone). This girl was therefore whipped due to her inappropriate social conduct.

This man, my dear friend, after travelled all over the world, and saved several Vietnamese girls from the cruel war,ridiculed the Pakistan society for classifying the staying of a man and a girl in the same room as bad social conduct.

My question is how can this happen? I mean, the term culture diversity is the invention of the united state. How come the people in this country often judge other society using their own standard? Isn't the idea of the culture diversity is to judge the same thing using different standards?

Besides, what is so wonderful about this society? Yes, single man and single woman can stay in the same room and do whatever they wanted to do (sometimes even married ones). But why are one third of population on antidepressant drugs? I bet Pakistan society is laughing about the United State now.

* my friend, if you see this, please forgive me, my nature is cynical. But no offense. I respect you highly.


1 comment:

  1. I do not think you understood my comments. The girl was punished for being with the man but nothing happened to the man. Should women be subjected to rules developed by men for their own purposes? Is not a woman equal to a man? Mao said that women hold up half the sky. If this is so they deserve the respect and treatment equal to the men who hold up the half that is not as heavy. I do not care about the Paskistani beliefs or other cultures because only when human beings are respected as human beings will this world become better. Culture is generally man's way of controlling women because of man's inability to control himself.
