Friday, April 3, 2009

The practical nature of human being


One man's bible has stayed on my bookshelf for quite a while. I finally find a quiet afternoon to read it. This is almost the first book I purchased in the United State. I got this book is because I was curious about its author, Gao Xingjiang who won a Nobel price. Several of his books were banned in China.

I wanted to know why he got Nobel price and why his books were banned. That is not exactly the question I want to ask. I was sincerely wondering why in such a chaotic world, a system tic investigation about this society can attract that much attention. What was the fear of the Chinese government, and what was valued in the western society. A question with a similar nature has often intrigued me: why in a society where most of the people seemed to be mentally and physically abused, the majority are still loyal to their government? Also in many relationships, one person is clearly mentally abused. Why these people chose to stay in the loop?

What has been ruling people's mind?

One man's bible is a depressing novel, a very bad choice for a sunny afternoon of spring. The language is so so, and story is hard to follow. There is no drama. You only hear a mid-aged man murmuring about his depressing life.

If you read this book, you might be as puzzled as me. It seemed that the author used a really length book to express his anger towards the limited freedom in speaking in China. Why freedom in speaking is such a big deal?

Now, I lived in a "free" land for many years, I never enjoyed the freedom of speaking in this country. You can never say anything negative about almost every thing. Most of the top selling books, such as, the secret of success, coach people about what to say and not to say. You can never comment negatively on other people's kid. You can never talk about the shortcommings of your boss. The reason is simple since these are not your f*cking business. If You say things freely, you will burn a plenty of bridges. Your life is so f*cking over. But why is western socity in favor of such a depressing book? This comment can be extended to another depressiong book: the China man.

Why such a book imposing a threat to a strong government?

Ban...An idea just hits me: the practical nature of human being.

see, this is how the game was played. During the culture revolution, even most of the people were mentally abused, they still see lights in the tunnel. If they can fake their loyalty to the "authority", they will be rewarded in the end. All they have to do is to accept the twisted logic. Apparently it is not such a difficult task, and people have been creative to extend illogical actions of Gang of four. There still is a chance for everyone to find a position in the society.

When the gang of four crashed, the hope of people who are willing to adapt to the twisted logic was vanished, and everybody come back to their senses. It is also like German war. After the war, everybody started to realize the wrong doings of war.

So nobody truly cared the right and wrong of the actions taken by the government. They care more about what they can get from these actions. The public accusation of those wrong doings of government by writers is nothing but a profitable voice appealing to those who hasn't been rewarded.

There are always actions that are taken by government and fail to reward anybody. The accusation of such actions is more profitable, and arouse angry feelings of general public. Once a target for angers is formed, people wouldn't leave it blank without firing arrows made by angers.

It is not the crash of the moral standard that brings down a government. It is a crash of the rewarding system that makes a government weak. Writers like Gao XingJiang are of course the fear of the government, since they pointed out that your loyalty might not be rewarded. Why the western society love this book? They need to defeat China without using any weapon.

Everybody is practical.........We are born to be practical.


1 comment:

  1. The Cultural Revolution was a time of fear for everyone. It is not good when an entire society lives in fear. In the West, little news came from China and little understanding of what was going on. Any book that might provide some insight was read by many. Anarchy rules China for a short period of time and we can only imagine how it impacted so many lives. It has never been the Chinese government but rather it has been the Chinese people that survived the many changes and agressions, both external and internal. Even today, the expereince of the Cultural Revolution was so horrible that writers still do not write about this subject.
