Monday, April 27, 2009

It is coming


May 5th, final exam will be given.

May 6th, final grade will be given.

May 7th is coming. On this day, I will be condemned to hell.

Knock, Knock...Here comes Ms. Crying.

...Hi, Crying, how are you?

...I am not so well. I am here to discuss my final grade with you.


...I am graduating this semester. I hope you let me pass this course.

...You failed the final exam, and you completed none of the assignments.

...My mother died. I had to take care of her. Illness and funeral. I had to work two jobs to cover my tuition. Too much was going on this semester.

...Can you bring a proof, so I can let you withdraw. By the way, didn't you tell me your mom died last semester?

...No. It was not me. I swear. I don't want to withdraw. I just need to graduate.

...But you failed the exam.

...I am getting married this summer. If you fail me, I have to delay my wedding. I really need to graduate before I get married.

...I offer my congratulations. But still you failed this course.

...My fiancés will leave me if he knows that I cannot graduate it.

...Maybe he is not worth marrying.

...I also have an interview at XXX. I know I will have a pretty good shot. If you let me graduate, I should get that job.

...I really cannot. I cannot change your grade.

tears run out of Ms. Crying's eyes.

...This is my second time taken this course. It is so unfair that I have to fail it twice. Can you give me an incomplete and give me a summer project or something?

...I cannot. You failed the exam. It is not that you really cannot complete the course. You completed it and you failed.

...Life truly sucks. How can you watch my life to be ruined? I cannot stay in college for ever. You have no idea how much I want to start my life.

...I really cannot help.

...I paid you. Part of your salary is from my pocket. How can you fail me? How can you ruin my life like this? Go to hell....


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