Saturday, March 28, 2009

..Who is more stupid?


The first time I watched "the Gods must be crazy" is when I was in highschool. It must be a good movie, since I never forget it. This year, I watched it again. There are about 15 years between the first time and the second time.

Because of this movie, 15 years ago, I recognized the silliness in the improvement of the technology. How silly those modern people looked in comparision to those bushmen? How pointless these technologies looked like. 15 years later, After I watched this movie again, I however recognized the vulnerability in the human race. No matter how innocent these bushman appeared to be, their small world can be turned upsidedown by a small bottle, a nearly invisible item in the modern world.

Who is more superior? Or maybe nobody is superior at all. I guess the reason I could start to see this movie from a different angle is because that I read a book.

A friend recommended a brief history of time to me a long time ago. I never had the mood to read it. Until recently, I started to read it. My first impression is that this book can get everybody's attention. When reading this book, I felt like sitting on a board and floating in the river of time to watch the long history of the scientists seeking for the truth. This book has make it clear in the beginning that there is no absolute location, time, and truth, and the only thing seems to hold truth is our needy nature demanding for an nonexisted order. It still lays out the persistant tries of human being seeking relative location, relative time and relative truth.

It does exactly the same thing as "the gods must be crazy", only from a more serious perspective. They both yearn for the meaning of life, and they both left me being stoned in confusion, which is a good thing. The more confused I am, the more normal I can be. At least, the pursuit of happiness is no longer on the top of my mind. If everything or every order is provisional, so does the happiness............

...I don't know why. But It felt good to know everybody is confused.....Maybe it establish a relative order, in which we are equally ...........confused...........


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